When installing xPapers a lot of things need to be set to match your own config in the xpapers config file (/etc/xpapers.d/main.pl). As this file contains passwords it shouldn't be committed into publicly accessible version control repositories.
The DB_SETTINGS section, this contains the database server hostname, username and password.
The SUBJECT variable, contains the subject of the installation. By default its philosophy, we've changed it to Food and Water Security.
EDITORS_EMAILS is the email addresses of the editors. By default this is the xpapers authors, probably don't want emails claiming to be from them! A well configured MTA won't pass these on anyway.
EMAIL_SENDER is the address all email appears to come from. Again this defaults to the xpapers authors and needs to be changed.
SMTPHOST is the email address of the email server. I wonder if this means we can get away without having a local MTA running?
TEST_MODE - set to 1 to disable email, useful for testing! Don't forget to change it back.
PASSWD_SALT - used to encrypt the passwords. Change this from the default and keep it secret to maintain strong password encryption.
FACEBOOK - used for facebook API keys, still need to work out what kind of facebook integration xpapers does.
RECAP_KEY/RECAP_PUBKEY - used to set things for reCAPTCHA, which is required to sign up any users to your xpapers install. Get a key from http://www.google.com/recaptcha.
DEFAULT_SITE_NAME - set to fws-hub from philpapers.
Part of the colour scheme is controlled by the variables C1, C2, C3 and C4.
Still to investigate:
How does the Z3950 harvesting work? It seems to just specify a single URL (library of congress), how do we harvest multiple sites?
What does the sites list variable do?
What's a push server?